Saturday, December 11, 2010

Photo Caption Contest Winner, and last race, last chance!

OK, I need to start off with the much-delayed announcement of the photo caption contest winner. To refresh your memories, here's the photo:
And the winner was H with "Not too certain of the terrain, J.D. was hedging his bets about his choice of transport. " So I've made a $25 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project in her name. Thanks to all for playing!

Now, I personally like "Mommy, I want a new pony! All these are too slow!" But it wasn't for me to play so my caption is worth as much as car keys to a dog.

I'm getting ready to help set up for the last race of the year tomorrow so this is going to be short, with a recap to come Monday (or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or... whenever). But I did want to take a minute to say that with the newspaper articles and coverage & with the AWESOME show of support from Cap City Cross and all the participating racers we are now DOUBLE the amount we had two weeks ago. Can you say "Holy Cow"? Because I sure as heck have been. To everyone that has contributed, my deepest gratitude.

Additionally, while I felt that the coverage was very complimentary but a bit too much about me and not enough about WWP, it has opened the doors to multiple potential sponsors. I think the direction everyone wants to go is a single day ride that showcases and supports the wounded veterans and the WWP. Which I think means that even if we don't race for the cause in the upcoming year we certainly will still be doing something for our nation's wounded warriors.

A big, heartfelt thanks for reading and sticking with us.


  1. Hot damn! I love that you've raised so much more in such a short time. Keep on rolling.

  2. Thanks JD. Keep up the terrific work :)
