Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photo Caption Contest! Woo-hoo!

Many of you reading will see this and say "Hey, you're cheating! You're making us do the writing!"  To which I reply "Oh heavens no, I would NEVER do something as lame as that!"

Phht. Anyway... See the photo below. Respond with your bestest, most-inspired caption. Enter multiple times. Have your dog enter. Don't bother with the cats as they don't care unless it's time to feed them. Sorry, it's not cat-feeding time. However, I digress...

With "contest" in the title you'd think you'd win something, right? Yeah, that would be my thought process too. Now, what to give the winner... better think of that part... OK. Because I'm trying to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project by doing this, *I* will make a $25 contribution to WWP in the name of the winner. Sound fair enough? And hey, if YOU want to contribute to the Wounded Warrior Project, too, all the better. In fact, I'm hoping you do. Click on the link HERE or at the top right.

None the less, here's the photo:

On your marks, get set... fire away


  1. You have no idea how much I love these. Usually, the winner wins bragging rights along with the picture. I like your winning idea just fine. I do want this picture for my blog so, without futher ado, here comes my entry.

    Thinking he'd entered the bull slingin' contest, J.D. wore the white shirt instead of the black he usually wore for bike wrastlin'.

  2. "Darn bucking bronco knocked me off and all the cycle cross riders too."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Not too certain of the terrain, J.D. was hedging his bets about his choice of transport.

  5. "Hey! Give me back my boots! I can so ride in them!"

    OK, that was lame. If you send me a link to your fundraiser, my husband and I can make a small contribution.

  6. Jenny, at the top right of the page is a link that says "donate here", but the direct address is:
    Thanks to all who contribute!

  7. If anyone wants a copy of the photo, just right click and "save as". Dunno why ya'd wanna , but hey, maybe you need a new dartboard or somethin'.

  8. .......there ought to be a law, really!
