Monday, August 23, 2010

Riding With My Son:
Racing bicycles for money with a twist

Most people who race bicycles for money are looking to put money in their pocket. The better the finish, the better the pay. A way to earn a living doing something they enjoy, or at least some payoff for all the hard work they’ve put in. But we’ve decided to try a different angle – racing bikes to raise money as proud supporters of the Wounded Warrior Project (

Why and how did we come up with that idea?

The story in brief: On 2-MAY-2008, our son, Lcpl. James Kimple, was killed in action while serving his second tour of duty in Iraq. In memory of James, my family and I feel that the best course of action is to honor his commitment to his fellow soldiers.

One of the last memories of my son occurred during several email exchanges while he was deployed in Iraq. I mentioned that I was interested in participating in cyclocross racing. James thought that it was a good idea and encouraged me to do so. Now I feel that it is time for me to hold up my end of the bargain, and Jovid, my younger son, has decided to try his hand at racing bicycles, too.

Which leaves us with racing bicycles and honoring our soldiers. To accomplish our mission, Jovid and I will be teaming up with the Wounded Warrior Project and racing in this year's Cap City Cross series of cyclocross races ( So we call our adventure "Riding with My Son." Our hope is to raise awareness and earn your support for the Wounded Warrior Project. Donations can be made online through our website - Of course, you can track us down at the Cap City races – Jovid and I will be wearing the WWP Proud Supporter jerseys!

Please join Jovid and myself in our efforts to honor James while supporting the Wounded Warrior Project!

Stay tuned, we'll keep you up to date with progress, race results, upcoming schedule, and so on.

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